Research & Practice

Guide to Gleaning: Enhancing Food Recovery at the University of Washington

In addition to sourcing food through donations and donor-based funding, the organization UW Food Pantry rescues and gleans food to increase the amount of resources they can provide for the community while simultaneously combating food waste. Students collaborated with the UW Food Pantry to improve and streamline their current gleaning process: they updated, synthesized, and redesigned resources for volunteers and gleaning location employees to detail safe practices, including what can be recovered from various locations. They also helped provide insight into how external organizations approach gleaning and how their methods may influence future UW Food Pantry practices.

Community Partner: Lilly Durham, UW Food Pantry

Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone

Author(s): Brooke Baker, Kaitlyn Duncan, Kendy Lin, Rachel Rosenberg, Jillian Techico

Program(s): Food Systems Major

Year: 2024
