Michelle Averill
Director, Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Program
Pia Chaparro
Assistant Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Sarah Collier
Assistant Professor, Envir. and Occupational Health Sciences
Adam Drewnowski
Professor, Epidemiology
Anne-Marie Gloster
Associate Teaching Professor, Epidemiology
Cristen L. Harris
Teaching Professor, Epidemiology
Jessica Jones-Smith
Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Elizabeth Kirk
Teaching Professor, Epidemiology
Johanna W. Lampe
Research Professor, Epidemiology
Anne Lund
Teaching Professor, Epidemiology
Marian L. Neuhouser
Affiliate Professor, Epidemiology
Beth Ogata
Part-time Lecturer, Pediatrics
Jennifer Otten
Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Yona Sipos
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Marie Spiker
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Eli E. Wheat
Associate Teaching Professor, Program on the Environment