The Undergraduate Internship, NUTR 495, is an opportunity for Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health majors to earn credit for academic work associated with a major-related internship experience. Securing an internship requires thoughtful goal reflection, proactive planning, coordination with your adviser and instructor for approval, and professional engagement with community partners.
Undergraduate Internship
To be eligible to receive NUTR 495 credit, internships should involve training or supervised activities which are clearly related to the food systems, nutrition, and health competencies for the major. Examples of previously approved NUTR 495 internships can be found on our Student Projects page.
Non-majors or students seeking general elective credit for internships that are not related to the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health major may be eligible to apply for credit through GEN ST 350; see the UW Community Engagement & Leadership (CELE) Center website for more information.
Student responsibilities
You are responsible for identifying and securing an internship, with input from the Instructor. This includes finding a Site Supervisor and communicating the NUTR 495 expectations to both parties. You are also responsible for completing your required internship hours; submitting academic assignments, including a final paper/project that meets your Instructor’s expectations; sharing your final paper/project with your Site Supervisor; and maintaining correspondence with both your Instructor and Site Supervisor. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Instructor and Site Supervisor are in contact with each other.
Instructor responsibilities
The Instructor can help you process your internship experience and shape your academic assignments, including the final paper/project. They review your academic paper/project and submit your credit and grade. It is your responsibility to schedule meetings with the Instructor and ensure that you understand their expectations.
Site Supervisor responsibilities
Your Site Supervisor should be the person who directly oversees your work at your internship. You and your Site Supervisor should be making explicit arrangements concerning overall goals, projects, duties, hours, and other expectations. Your Site Supervisor verifies that you have completed your required hours by confirming this with the Instructor.
How Do I Register?
- Complete your Internship Application (pdf) and submit to the Nutritional Sciences Program Student and Academic Services Office via email to
- Once approved by the NUTR 495 instructor, our advising staff will provide you with an add code to register for the course.
- Registering after the 5th day of the quarter will result in a $20 transaction fee.
- The deadline to submit your application is the first Friday of the quarter; however, submitting earlier is strongly recommended. No late applications will be accepted.
Earning academic credit for an internship will not fit with all student course plans. No more than 5 credits combined of internship, study abroad, service learning, and research credits may be applied towards the upper division electives requirement for the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health major; email advising after registering to inquire about counting NUTR 495 towards the major.
For More Information
Contact advising for more information.
Site Supervisors who are interested in recruiting a major for an internship may complete the online opportunity form and submit it for posting on our website.