Jeani Hunt-Gibbon graduated from the UW Master of Science program in 2019 and began working part-time at Newport Healthcare with teens with mental health and substance use disorders, while working on her private practice VeggieLush Nutrition.
After becoming a parent, she decided to focus on her practice, where she helps women and folks with uteruses take control of fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, and other hormonal issues, using an evidence-based approach. Jeani is actively continuing to build her career as a women’s health dietitian and also manages the website for the Women’s Health DPG and serves as the president of the Greater Seattle Area Dietetic Association for 2022. Before attending UW, Jeani earned an undergraduate degree in English from UC Berkeley and worked in marketing for several years. When she’s not talking about or eating food, she’s flying high in the air as an aerial circus artist or cooking and going on adventures with her husband, baby daughter and dog Raven.
Tell us about a typical day for you in your dual roles as a dietitian and owner of a private practice?
Days vary a lot as a private practice RD. One day could be more focused on providing counseling and protocols for individual clients, while another could be spent writing a health and wellness newsletter for a consulting client. Other days are spent putting together and giving presentations on women’s health nutrition. Another big chunk of time is spent marketing the business itself, writing social media posts, blog posts, updating the website, tweaking SEO or networking.
How has your education at UW prepared you?
I was so lucky to have Judy Simon as a mentor who helped me learn all about fertility and nutrition through my capstone and internship work with her. It’s rare to get that kind of specialized education. I also feel lucky that we have such a rigorously science-backed program that helps me to provide evidence-based counseling to my clients every day.
Post date: October 3, 2022
Are you interested in studying nutritional sciences at the University of Washington? Explore graduate study and RDN training offered through the UW School of Public Health Nutritional Sciences Program.