Research & Practice

Process-Driven Policy Mapping: Farm to Fork in King County

A vibrant local food system creates and supports a healthy food supply, including fresh produce, for people in King County. The Local Farms and Food Roundtable was convened by the City of Seattle, Public Health Seattle & King County, and Pike Place Market in November 2013, and charged with 1) exploring ways to strengthen three aspects of the local and regional food system (farmland preservation, markets, and distribution), and 2) developing short and long-term recommendations for improvement in King County. This is to be accomplished by linking steps of the food production pathway to make local food more competitive amidst a global market. The Roundtable needed a way of organizing barriers and solutions at each step along the food production pathway. The purpose of this project was to create visual concept map that depicts the flow of food through the supply chain. A systematic literature review was conducted of policies, barriers, and recommendations in King County and western Washington literature (when available), as well as relevant national literature. Information gathered from the literature review, farmer panels, and Roundtable meetings informed facilitators, barriers, and policy opportunities at each node along the pathway. The final grid will be utilized by the Markets and Distribution Subcommittee to inform the process of prioritizing interventions based on 1) feasibility of implementation in King County, and 2) importance or potential impact on local farms in February and March, 2014.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Maia Kurnik

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2014
