WIN 2019 Seminar: Aquatic Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
The theme for our WIN 2019 seminar is Aquatic Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health.
Food production can occur on land or under water. Aquatic food systems comprise fresh and saltwater resources, include wild and farmed aquatic organisms, and encompass outdoor and indoor systems, such as hydroponics and aquaponics. There is growing demand for knowledge about aquatic food systems and their management, both in Pacific Northwest and worldwide.
The Nutritional Sciences Winter 2019 Seminar explores the range of issues facing aquatic food systems, in the contexts of nutrition, health, and health equity. Critical issues include tribal fishing rights, overfishing, pollution, loss of biodiversity, environmental impact of fish farms, labor issues, and the threat of global warming and climate change.
The seminar is open to all UW students, faculty and staff. Students may register for NUTR 400 (SLN 18256, undergraduates) or NUTR 500 (SLN 18265, graduates).
The schedule of speakers is available here.
December 11, 2018