Canva Help
Canva is a free tool for editing and creating social media and web graphics. It’s used for producing on-the-fly graphics for Facebook and the web, and includes a number of freebies such as stock photos, videos, background patterns, and icons.
Log in
Find credentials for Canva in NSP Academic > Communications & Marketing > Third-Party-Account-Logins.docx
Introduction Videos
- Introduction and Menu tour (1:33)
- Create a design or edit a template (1:39)
- Editing a design (1:35)
- Saving/downloading a design (1:42)
NSP Templates
Locate NSP templates by choosing All Your Designs from the menu.
Create a Graphic from an Existing Template
- From the All your Designs page, browse existing images and locate one that best matches your project.
- Hover the computer mouse over an image to reveal the the file menu. This is located in the upper right corner of the image. Example:
- Click once on the file menu icon
to view file options.
- From file options, select Make a copy.
- Now scroll up to the top of the Designs library. Reload/refresh the page if needed.
- Click on the copy of the image you just made to begin editing.
Example of expanded file management menu (step #3)
Upload an Image
- To upload an image, begin a new grapic.
- Click Uploads from the left editing menu.
- Click Upload media, then browse your computer to select an image to upload.
- After the upload completes, you can click and drag the image to your graphic.
Insert an NSP Logo
- To locate NSP logo graphics, begin a new graphic.
- In the editing menu, choose Uploads.
- Scroll down and view all images that have already been uploaded. You will find variations of the NSP, SPH and Bold W graphics here.
- Click and drag the logo image to the graphic.
Download an Image
When your graphic is ready to download, click Download (located in the upper right corner of the screen).
Note: After clicking Download, a pop-up box will display. Close this window. This is just an Ad that displays because we are using the free version of this software.
- As a rule, always create a new graphic based on (copied) from a previously used graphic.
- When at all possible, use a provided template
- Use the Open Sans font, which is a UW font when possible.
- Graphics for social media are meant to supplement the post text. Keep graphics simple, not overly wordy. Think about how the post text will work with the graphic.