News & Events

New paper illustrates complexity of food systems data and how to close gaps
October 11, 2023
How do we support and transform sustainable food systems while maintaining and improving the nutritional status of the population? This question has become a global public health priority for international organizations, funders, academics, and policymakers. Because food systems data are so transdisciplinary and intersect many domains such as health, nutrition, economics, society, and environment, creating...
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Opening Week events highlighting Food Systems at UW
September 25, 2023
Don’t miss the following Dawg Daze events for 2023! These events will give you an introduction to Food Systems efforts happening on campus, as well as options for studying food systems at the University of Washington. Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major Information Session In the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major we are looking...
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Michelle Averill named interim director of UW Nutritional Sciences Program
August 21, 2023
Dr. Michelle Averill has been named interim director of the University of the Nutritional Sciences Program (NSP) in the School of Public Health. Averill currently serves as an associate teaching professor in environmental and occupational health sciences at the School and has served as the associate director of the Graduate Coordinated Program in Dietetics since...
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Celebrating UW nutritional sciences graduates completing MPH, MS, and RDN training in 2023
August 18, 2023
Congratulations to our graduate students finalizing their MPH and MS degrees, as well as to those completing their RDN training through the Graduate Coordinated Program in Dietetics (GCPD) in 2023. On Friday August 18, the University of Washington Nutritional Sciences Program (NSP) faculty and staff gathered with the graduates and their families to celebrate and...
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Food Systems Capstone Celebration is June 1
May 25, 2023
A reception for students in the spring quarter NUTR 493 Food Systems Capstone course will be held Thursday, June 1 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health following student final presentations. The reception celebrates the students in the course, faculty, staff, and community partners who collaborated with student...
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Nutritional sciences students honored for excellence
May 23, 2023
Congratulations to Kayla Guzmán and Andrea Litzow, Nutritional Sciences Program students who were honored with 2023 School of Public Health (SPH) Excellence Awards, an annual recognition that spotlights exemplary faculty, staff and students. Winners were announced on Tuesday May 23. This year’s recipients in the Nutritional Sciences Program have demonstrated high academic achievement and have...
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Nutritional Sciences students recognized for leadership and service
May 23, 2023
Congratulations to Nutritional Sciences Program graduate students Jonathan Lara-Arévalo and Paola Maria Bregni Ibarra who were selected for 2023 program awards recognizing excellence in leadership and service. Recipients are selected by Nutritional Sciences students, staff, and faculty members. Jonathan Lara-Arévalo Recipient of the 2023 Carrie Cheney Student Leadership Award Jonathan Lara-Arévalo, a University of Washington...
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UW dietetics student Daniel Beery receives outstanding student award
May 1, 2023
Daniel Beery, a University of Washington student in the Graduate Coordinated Program in Dietetics (GCPD) has received the 2023 Outstanding Student in a Coordinated Program in Dietetics award, given annually by the Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (WSAND). Read the WSAND announcement (PDF). The Outstanding Student Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional...
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Nutritional sciences elective courses for autumn 2023
April 27, 2023
Registration for autumn 2023 begins May 5. If you are seeking an interesting elective focused on a topic related to nutrition, health, culinary arts, or food systems, check out these exciting offerings for autumn 2023. All course offerings on this list are open to any UW undergraduate student regardless of declared major with some courses...
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Food Systems students partner with UW Farm on winter capstone projects
April 20, 2023
In winter quarter 2023, Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health students from the NUTR 493 Food Systems Capstone course helped the UW Farm take the next step in implementing its strategic planning process that was initiated in 2021.
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