News & Events

SNAP cuts lead to warning of “hunger cliff”
February 27, 2023 | AXIOS Seattle
Story highlighting how pandemic food aid is ending nationwide, and this change in the federal law means more than half a million households in Washington will lose a total of about $95 million a month in food assistance even as food and fuel costs remain high or increase. Data cited in the article was recently published by the UW & WSU WAFOOD survey.
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Low-income Washington state households still struggling with food insecurity as pandemic protections end
February 23, 2023
Affording food is such a challenge in Washington state that residents who experience food insecurity say their grocery bills are their biggest source of financial stress, more so than paying for rent or utilities. That’s one of the findings of a food survey of Washington residents from December 2022 to January 2023, run by researchers...
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The pandemic is supposed to be over. Why is Pierce County food insecurity still so high?
February 23, 2023 | The News Tribune
Story highlights WAFOOD research published in 2023 which finds almost half of responding households reported experiencing food insecurity in the past month — with the highest occurrences among BIPOC respondents, households with children and renters. Meanwhile, the overall reliance on food assistance programs and food banks remained high.
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UW courses offered in nutrition, food systems, and health in spring 2023
February 8, 2023
Explore our undergraduate courses for spring 2023 which focus on a variety of interesting topics including nutrition, food systems, diets, culinary science, and individual and population health. Registration opens on February 10, 2023. 2023 Nutritional Sciences Program Courses Click title to view seat availability in My Plan.
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UW graduate course explores sustainable food systems for population health
February 8, 2023
A course offered by the Nutritional Sciences Program in the University of Washington School of Public Health in spring 2023 will use food systems as a lens for viewing and understanding public health principles. The course, NUTR 514 Sustainable Food Systems for Population Health, a 3-credit elective course, is now open for registration to all...
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Nutritional Sciences faculty joins Washington State Food Policy Forum
January 10, 2023
Jennifer Otten, a faculty member and food systems scholar in the University of Washington School of Public Health will begin a new appointment in January 2023 as a member of the Washington State Food Policy Forum, a cross-sector group formed by the WA State Legislature in 2016 which makes recommendations for improving the food system...
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UW study abroad program explores sustainable food systems in Italy in summer 2023
January 5, 2023
The University of Washington Study Abroad program will offer a 4-week intensive course, La Dolce Vita: Comparative Food Systems in Italy in Summer Term-A in 2023. This interdisciplinary program explores sustainable food systems using systems thinking and a variety of perspectives to understand how factors, such as culture, policy, diet, and market structure interact to...
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Dr. Pia Chaparro joins Nutritional Sciences Program core faculty
January 4, 2023
The University of Washington Nutritional Sciences Program is pleased to welcome Dr. Pia Chaparro as a new member of our core faculty and growing team of food systems experts in the UW School of Public Health. Chaparro, who began her new appointment of assistant professor in the UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health...
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How to Get Connected And Fight Food Insecurity
December 8, 2022 | Seattle Medium
Marie Spiker is quoted in this article which highlights ways to help fight food insecurity in the Greater Seattle area in a meaningful way during the holiday season. Spiker says, “It’s not just about ‘not having food’ — people may find themselves skipping meals, reducing the size of their meals or choosing non-preferred foods for financial reasons.”
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UW winter 2022 courses in nutrition, culinary, and food systems
November 1, 2022
Are you looking for a winter quarter elective course? We’re offering several interesting courses in winter 2023 which focus on nutrition, health, culinary arts, and food systems. Most course offerings on this list are open to any UW undergraduate student regardless of declared major with some courses prioritized for majors. Two courses are graduate-level courses...
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