Article authored by UW professor highlights food insecurity root causes

This September, the White House will convene a conference on hunger, nutrition, and health.
Leading up to the conference, the White House is organizing several listening sessions across America to hear firsthand from people impacted by food insecurity and to collect ideas about how to end hunger and hunger-related diseases and disparities.
Ahead of this conference, Adam Drewnowski, a University of Washington professor of epidemiology and nutritional sciences, authored the following editorial published in the August issue of Nature Food, encouraging experts, community members, and legislators convening the upcoming White House Conference to also consider policy remedies that will create meaningful change to the economic root causes that are also contributing to food insecurity.
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Dr. Adam Drewnowski is a professor of epidemiology and nutritional sciences in the University of Washington School of Public Health and is the author of over 350 research papers, numerous reviews and book chapters, and a frequent participant and invited speaker at scientific meetings, conferences, and symposia. Read bio
August 12, 2022