Celebrating healthy eating in March
National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month® — a time to focus on making healthy food choices. The Nutritional Sciences Program will celebrate this annual observance throughout the month of March featuring experts in our RDN training program.
In response to this year’s theme, “Eat Right, Bite by Bite,” we asked program faculty, student interns, alumni, and clinical instructors, “What does eating right mean to you, your clients, or the local or global community?”
Responses we have received highlight the importance dietitians place not only on food choice, but also in forming a healthy, balanced, relationship with food. How food choices inform or impact public and planetary health were also important themes shared.
Join us throughout the month of March on Facebook as we shine a spotlight on healthy eating and advice from members of our dietetic program, our faculty and clinical care professionals affiliated with our program.
Lectures & Presentations
Food Systems Seminars

Our winter seminar series on Food Systems in the Age of Climate Change explores impacts on and by our food systems in the context of the Pacific Northwest. Mark your calendar for these two sessions!
March 3: Food on Campus: UW Sustainability Plans and Initiatives – 12:30 p.m. in Guggenheim Hall. Hear plans and initiatives relating to food on the University of Washington campus, presented by Project and Purchasing Specialist Casey Crane, and Assistant Director for Residential Life Clive Pursehouse.
March 10: What’s Your Plan? Strategies for Food Systems in the Age of Climate Change – 12:30 p.m. in Guggenheim Hall. Presented by: Yona Sipos, Nutritional Sciences Program and Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, UW.
Access to recordings of past seminars in this series are available on YouTube.
City of Seattle Farm to Table Public Health Nutrition Presentation

March 13: City of Seattle Farm to Table Design Project – 12:30 p.m. via Zoom meeting. Graduate students in Public Health Nutrition (NUTR 531) present findings and recommendations to this year’s client: The City of Seattle’s Farm to Table Program.
Students worked on the The Farm to Table Program Design Project to gather community input to make program design or redesign recommendations to best reflect community needs, interests, and desires. Students additionally conducted an in-depth literature review, interviewed similar farm to ECE programs nationally to understand what the Seattle program can learn from others nationally.
The Farm to Table Program is organized and run by several partner organizations:
- City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD)
- Farmstand Local Foods
- Tilth Alliance
- Solid Ground
- Nourishan for Life
February 26, 2020