
Speaking Event – The Nutrition Transition: How Food Choices Are Made

Nutritional Sciences Program Director Adam Drewnowski will speak Thursday, March 15, at Taylor’s Toulouse University Centre on the nutrition transition.

Dr. Drewnowski is the inventor of the Nutrient Rich Foods Index, which rates individual foods based on their overall nutritional value, and the Affordable Nutrition Index, which helps consumers identify affordable healthy foods.

Lecture Summary:

By Adam Drewnowski, leader in the study of obesity and social disparities in diets and health and Director, Center for Public Health Nutrition, University of Washington, USA.

Taste, cost, convenience, health, and dietary variety are the main drivers of food choice. As incomes rise, traditional plant-based diets give way to more varied diets but also more energy-dense foods and more added sugars and vegetable fats. In general, diet quality depends on education and incomes. The protein transition is a special case. Dietary shifts from plant to animal proteins (meat, fish or dairy) are country specific and more dependent on society and culture. Increasing concerns about the environment have led to the creation of new value metrics: nutrients per penny and nutrients per carbon cost. Current dietary habits will determine future diets.

Date & Time: Thursday, March 15, 3:00pm to 5:00pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre 19, Block E, Level 1, Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia

See lecture flyer for full details.

Click here to register.

March 9, 2018