Why is our bread so white? Dr. Stephen Jones to speak on wheat breeding May 29

Attend a special lecture May 29 featuring Dr. Stephen S. Jones, a plant geneticist and professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University. Dr. Jones will present: “Why is our bread so white? Wheat breeding, white flour and community”.
This special lecture will be presented to students in NUTR 241, our culinary nutrition sciences course, but is open to all interested faculty, students, and staff.
Jones is the director of the WSU Bread Lab, a plant breeding program which conducts research on thousands of lines of wheat, barley, buckwheat and other small grains to identify those that perform well for farmers, and that are most suitable for craft baking, cooking, malting, brewing, and distilling.
Together with his graduate students, Jones breeds wheat and other grains for local uses to be grown on small farms in the coastal West, the upper Northeast and other regions of the country.
April 30, 2019