Research & Practice

Applying a RE-AIM Framework to Curriculum Fidelity to Evaluate SNAP-Ed Direct Education in Washington State

To evaluate direct education through a curriculum fidelity monitoring approach by applying the public health systems framework of: reach effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance (RE-AIM). It is hypothesized that high curriculum fidelity will generate a significant increase in physical activity and nutrition knowledge among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) participants compared to low curriculum fidelity.

A mixed-method inquiry was used to assess the fidelity of direct education interventions in Washington State SNAP-Ed. Curriculum fidelity is measured by standardized classroom observations. Evaluations were completed by students before and after implementation of the classes. Quantitative review of qualifying SNAP-Ed participants/all SNAP-Ed eligible people in the region (reach), the change in nutrition and physical activity behavior will be assessed (effectiveness). The number of classes actually carried out will be compared to those who agreed to carry out classes (adoption); additionally, curriculum fidelity is quantified and the relationship between curriculum fidelity and behavior change will be analyzed (implementation). Once results are drawn, a stakeholder meeting will be convened to share results and develop a plan for trainings (maintenance).

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Sophia Wang

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2018
