Research & Practice

Body Positive Week on a College Campus

Over 30 million people in the United States have an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. The median age of eating disorder onset in America is 18 to 21 years, contributing to the increasing prevalence of eating disorders on college campuses, from 18.5% to 30.5% in just 13 years. The mortality rate of individuals with eating disorders is much higher than the mortality rate of any other psychiatric disorder. Approximately 85% of college students with an eating disorder have not received treatment due to lack of perceived need. There is a need on college campuses to raise awareness of eating disorders to increase education, early detection, intervention, and treatment.

The purpose of Body Positive Week (the intervention) was to create a week-long event on campus at Seattle Pacific University (SPU) based on the “Be Body Positive Model.” The goals were to raise awareness of eating disorders, debunk myths about the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and health, and engage students in weight-neutral activities promoting total self-care, mindful eating, and joyful movement.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Amanda Spoden

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2017
