Research & Practice

Creating Educational Signage for Tilth Alliance at Bradner Gardens Park

Students worked with Tilth Alliance’s Bradner Gardens Park to create educational signage promoting community involvement in local food systems and empowering sustainable gardening practices. The project addressed the need for informative signage and developed a method for community engagement through sign-making, while focusing on ways to center equity and sustainability. Utilizing data from Tilth Alliance and community input, deliverables included 24 plant and gardening technique signs, two replicable sign templates, and a community outreach system for continuous sign creation.

Community Partner: Carey Thornton, Tilth Alliance

Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone

Author(s): Grace Abe, Diana Caoagdan, Tommy Giang, Tess Imanishi

Program(s): Food Systems Major

Year: 2024
