Research & Practice

Danny Woo Community Garden Weed Identification Project

Students worked with community gardeners, volunteers, and garden managers at Danny Woo Community Garden to create educational materials, a tri-fold brochure, and a bilingual guidebook to educate volunteers on how to identify and remove weeds to improve the garden’s productivity and long-term sustainability. The guidebook served as a comprehensive learning tool for volunteers, providing them with knowledge about local plant species, gardening techniques, and ecological principles. This educational aspect is designed to enhance their gardening skills and overall understanding of the garden landscape.

Community Partners: KaeLi Deng and Eduard Smith, Danny Woo Community Garden

Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone

Author(s): Tae Cho, Yuwei Dang, Iris Li, Theresa Mai

Program(s): Food Systems Major

Year: 2024
