Designing a Solar and Non-Electric Hydroponic System for iUrban Teen’s STEM-Based Garden
Students collaborated with iUrban Teen and Rainier Community Center to develop an outdoor hydroponic system showcasing sustainable farming and promoting STEM education for BIPOC students. The project included designing nutrient testing protocols and creating blueprint designs of hydroponic systems to support a larger initiative that aims to educate the community on environmental health and food systems equity, while providing a shared garden space to support local food banks.
Community Partner: Melanie Ocasio, iUrban Teen
Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone
Author(s): Solar Team: Callum Crist, Jiayi Ge, Nina Goldman, Sylvia Liu, John Wang; Non-Electric Team: Deborah Chu, Mark Han, Mia Li, Anna Pham
Program(s): Food Systems Major
Year: 2024