Research & Practice

Developing Culturally Relevant Asian Meals for Sound Generations’ Meals on Wheels

Sound Generations’ Meals on Wheels (MOW) currently serves over 6,000 older adults living in King County. The current MOW menu offers an array of vegetarian, vegan, low-sodium, kosher, and halalcertified meals. Clients have reported that they are generally satisfied with the meal options, but several clients have recently voiced the need for more culturally relevant meals. Specifically, clients have commented on the lack of appropriate Asian meal options. Given that roughly 11% of Sound Generations’ clients identify as Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander there is a need for more culturally relevant meal options on the MOW menu.

The goal of this practicum was to:

  • Identify meals that older Asian adults currently living in King County want to see on the MOW menu
  • Develop a survey and conduct phone interviews with clients who identify as Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander
  • Use the results of the survey to create ≥7 new culturally appropriate meals that use traditional Asian ingredients and flavors
  • Ensure that each meal meets 1/3 daily recommended intake (DRI) for older adults
  • Produce nutrient fact sheets for each meal o Collaborate with a local catering company to source affordable and high-quality ingredients

After conducting a brief needs assessment and literature review, a survey was created and administered to discover Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander client food preferences and ordering habits. The ESHA Food Processor was used to create eight nutritional meals, and ingredients were sourced through both current Sound Generations vendors and other retailers.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Dorothy Nguyen

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2021
