Research & Practice

Improving Produce Prescription Processes

This project involved working with the Washington state Department of Health (DOH) to research improvements to the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription (Produce Rx) program and create an application process for healthcare organizations. The Produce Rx program currently works with healthcare organizations and public health centers to provide vouchers for food insecure individuals to redeem at Safeway stores for produce. Participants experience measurable improvements in diet quality and chronic disease management.

The Produce Rx program is interested in electronic benefit mechanisms to improve access statewide and increase the availability of culturally appropriate foods. The student assessed program and participant needs, met with vendors, and interviewed other produce prescription program administrators to gather information and lessons learned. Additionally, a provider application and determinants of health-oriented scoring rubric in line with legislative rules was prepared. The results of this project will provide a framework for additional healthcare partners to join the Produce Rx Program and pave the way to transition from vouchers to an electronic benefit mechanism.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Amy Ervin

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2022
