Research & Practice

Nutrient Drug Interaction Probability Scale (NDIPS): An External Validation

This project was the final stage of a larger endeavor in testing a new clinical assessment tool to assess the probability of drug-nutrient interactions with the aim of developing a personalized healthcare model when detecting and managing drug nutrient interactions.

To assess how well different healthcare professionals would interpret and use the tool in practice, a single patient case study was chosen for a group of clinicians to review using the new tool. Only one case was selected to maintain consistency and avoid any potential biases that might occur if clinicians were asked to review their own cases.

Each clinician was provided with a packet of background information, the case study, the assessment tool itself, and a survey for feedback. This method allowed for the evaluation of how clearly the tool’s questions were understood and how consistently it was applied across different users.

By using this controlled approach, valuable insights were obtained about the tool’s effectiveness and areas for potential improvement, all while minimizing factors that could skew the results.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MNT Concentration Clinical Poster

Author(s): Paola Maria Bregni Ibarra

Program(s): Master of Science, RDN Training

Year: 2024
