Research & Practice

Secondary Growth Analysis and Dissemination of Findings from the Mama Aweza Trial

The Global Center for integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh) is a leading research center dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and children globally. As part of this work, the group’s Mama Aweza (“mother can” in Swahili) research team was working to promptly identify malnourished children in the vulnerable regions of Kenya’s Migori and Homa Bay Counties and ensure they were directed to the necessary care. This practicum focused on evaluating their novel malnutrition screening approach in which caregivers are taught to use family Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tapes and an mHealth SMS system for health education and monitoring combined with mobile health interventions. This assessment involved the exploration of nutrition indicators, data management, and analysis frameworks, and deliverables included drafting press releases, designing outreach materials, and strategizing communications. Practicum findings and deliverables will be leveraged threefold:

  • Internally by the University of Washington Department of Global Health to refine strategies and inform future projects.
  • Externally by nutrition networks and global health organizations to gain insights from the project’s outcomes, potentially influencing their own initiatives.
  • Locally (Kenya) by county officials, healthcare staff, and community members to ensure that malnutrition interventions are tailored to their community’s unique needs and challenges.

Community Partner: Global WACh

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum

Author(s): Cecilia Msogoya

Program(s): Master of Public Health

Year: 2023
