Research & Practice

Understanding Employer Perceptions and Implementation of Nutrition

Workplace health promotion (WHP) can be utilized to engage a large and diverse range of employees in health intervention. Connect to Wellness, a WHP for small to midsized employers, was created by the HPRC in partnership with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to address capacity and infrastructure barriers to WHP implementation.

This project focused on the Healthy Foods and Beverages Toolkit, a nutrition education intervention subset of Connect to Wellness. OBJECTIVES This project sought to identify employer perceptions of healthy eating WHP and receptibility to the non-diet approach to curate a set of materials to facilitate best practice implementation of the Healthy Foods and Beverages Toolkit. In addition to completing a literature review on employer and employee perceptions of WHP and the non-diet approach, an anonymous survey was conducted with small to mid-sized employers to develop best practice materials for the Healthy Foods and Beverages Toolkit. Deliverables included a Non-diet, Weight inclusive Guide, Common Misconceptions and Emerging Research Handout, and three educational posters.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum

Author(s): Alexandra Garrity

Program(s): Master of Public Health

Year: 2020
