Research & Practice

UW Farm Strategic Goal #4: Contribute to UW Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Sustainability – Team 2

This project leverages established relationships to improve cross-campus buy-in and funding of Farm initiatives by visualizing the current and potential stakeholder network, uniting motivated students, and mobilizing invested campus partners to ensure sustainability of UW Farm production for enhanced student food security and sovereignty. Deliverables include: the Farm U.P. Table and petition, an institutional network map employing the lens of social network analysis, and a drafted Memorandum of Understanding between UW Athletics and the UW Farm.

Community Partners: Alan Trimble and Perry Acworth, UW Farm; and Alex Silver, UW Food Pantry

Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone

Author(s): Lauren Schwartz, MaKayla Kelby, Makenna Schumacher, Olivia Meader Yetter

Program(s): Food Systems Major

Year: 2023
