Research & Practice

WA State Feeding Teams: A Needs Assessment Identifying Strengths and Barriers to Utilizing the Registered Dietitian

Approximately 25-35% of typically developing children experience feeding/swallowing difficulties. This number jumps to 80% in children with neurodevelopmental delays. Many of these children receive or would benefit from intensive feeding therapy. An interdisciplinary approach to treating severe feeding disorders is needed to improve quality of life for the child. However, until recently, a universal definition of ‘pediatric feeding disorder’ was lacking and the necessary providers needed on a feeding therapy team was unclear. It is common to find speech language pathologists (SLP) and/or occupational therapists (OT) providing feeding therapy. However, within the interdisciplinary team, the role of the registered dietitian (RD) may not be well understood or implemented into practice.

This project aims to identify strengths and barriers to utilizing the RD on feeding teams throughout WA through feeding team director survey and provide recommendations for addressing the barriers identified.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Rochelle Adriano

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2019
