Megan Nordlund, MS, RD, CD
Clinical Instructor, Health Systems and Population Health
Nutrition Services - Clinical Dietitian Manager, Harborview Medical Center
MS, Central Washington University, 2007
Megan Nordlund has been a clinical dietitian on a variety of units at Harborview Medical Center since 2008. She has worked as the burn unit dietitian with both pediatric and adult patients since 2010. She has served as preceptor for numerous UW nutrition interns and guest lectured on nutrition support in burn patients in NUTR 563 Nutrition and Acute Care. In addition to her work as a burn unit dietitian, she has served as Clinical Dietitian Manager at Harborview since 2012. As clinical manager, Nordlund coordinates and oversees our nutrition intern’s clinical training with the Harborview inpatient clinical dietitians.