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Volunteer packing food donation in car

Going hungry in the pandemic

December 14, 2020 | UW DEOHS

With food insecurity at 30% in Washington State, UW researchers seek participants for a second round of statewide survey to understand WA residents’ access to food and their economic well-being. Research being conducted by the Center for Public Health Nutrition is highlighted.

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Jennifer Otten

What you can do to reduce food waste

December 14, 2020 | Chicago Sun Times

Consumers from around the world waste mountains of food. In fact, food is the largest category of waste in landfills, where it generates methane, a contributor to global climate change. Associate Professor and Food Systems Director Jennifer Otten offers tips on how each of use can reduce consumer food waste.

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Cows grazing in WA state field

WSDA joins UW and WSU to learn more about COVID-19 impacts to agriculture

December 8, 2020 | Washington State Department of Agriculture

How the UW, WSU is joining with the Washington Department of Agriculture to study how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Washington’s farms and ranches and those working in agriculture and learn how they have been weathering this deadly pandemic.

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Empty dinner plate on wood table

Round 2 of Washington study underway to determine food, economic insecurity during pandemic

December 8, 2020 | UW News

How UW, WSU, and Tacoma Community College researchers, along with input from partners in Washington State local, county, and state government, are understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on food insecurity and access in our state.

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Workers collection food donations

Nearly one-third of Washington households not getting enough food since start of pandemic: study

November 23, 2020 | Seattle P-I

Findings from a study conducted by a research team from UW, WSU, and Tacoma Community College studied how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted economic and food security in Washington State are highlighted in this story from the Seattle P-I.

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Early Childcare worker wearing mask, teaching child in mask

Research Shows the Importance and Paradox of Early Childhood Care and Education

October 8, 2020 | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This story highlights research by Jennifer Otten that highlights the deep crisis ECCE providers and teachers face and how low wages force many to the brink of poverty. Many lack access to health insurance or paid sick or family leave.

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Research Shows the Importance and Paradox of Early Childhood Care and Education

October 8, 2020 | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Dependable child care is critical for healthy development—and for the nation to return to work. However, costs are often unaffordable even while many child-care workers are not making a living wage. Ultimately, the entire nation faces the consequences of a system in crisis.

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National Guard volunteer helping pack food at Norwthwest Harvest

Food insecurity rates have more than doubled since start of COVID-19 pandemic

September 15, 2020 |

Since the onset of the pandemic, food insecurity rates have more than doubled in WA state, according to UW Nutritional Sciences and Center for Public Health Nutrition Center researchers who comment on the recently compiled the results from their first round of a statewide survey. 

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Edible food thrown into consumer trash can

Changes to food system needed to reduce consumer food waste, new report says

August 27, 2020 | UW School of Public Health

Jennifer Otten, associate professor in the UW Nutritional Sciences Program co-authored this new report which identifies recommendations for reducing consumer food waste at a national level.

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Example of EU food labeling

Food label fight splits EU

August 19, 2020 | CGTN

Adam Drewnowski comments on new food labeling proposed as a component of the ambitious European Green Deal.

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