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Impetus builds to change status quo for sugary-drink sales
April 3, 2019 | UW Medicine
Jim Krieger, a Health Services faculty member and CPHN collaborator is featured in this story about two new recently-funded studies he will help conduct that examine the effect of taxing sugary drinks, and testing counter-marketing and healthy-beverage social media messages among parents of Latinx children age 0-5.
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Study points to grocery store gap, inequity in access to healthy foods in the Seattle area
March 21, 2019 | UW School of Public Health
Seattle neighborhoods that are lower income or that have more Black or Hispanic residents have fewer options for healthy foods, more fast food and longer travel times to stores that sell produce, according to a new study by the University of Washington School of Public Health and Public Health – Seattle & King County, in Washington.
Read articleFifty Food Elements For a Healthy Future
March 13, 2019 | The Science Times
The report on the Future 50 Foods was spearheaded by Adam Drewnowski, the director of the Center of Public Health Nutrition and Nutritional Sciences Program at the University of Washington.
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Position opening for full time lecturer
March 6, 2019
The Nutritional Sciences Program invites applications for one full-time position at the rank of lecturer or senior lecturer (non-tenure track, 12-month renewable appointment) with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2019. The successful applicant will be appointed to the faculty in the Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and the rank will be...
Read moreHow available is healthy food in your neighborhood? A new study points to differences
February 28, 2019 | Public Health Insider
Research by Jesse Jones-Smith, an associate professor in nutritional sciences, epidemiology and health services is highlighted in this feature about food insecurity and food access based on where you live in Seattle, King County.
Read articleHealthy, low impact and tasty: Unilever and WWF name 50 foods we should be eating more
February 27, 2019 |
Adam Drewnowski, director at UW Center for Public Health Nutrition and nutritional sciences co-authored this resource naming 50 nutrient rich foods with a relatively low environmental impact.
Read article‘Future 50’ food items identified in a new report
February 22, 2019 | Down to Earth
Fifty foods were identified as food of the future in a report released February 20 by Knorr, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Adam Drewnowski, director at UW Center for Public Health Nutrition and nutritional sciences. Foods highlighted are nutrient-dense and less commonly cultivated.
Read articleStudy shows diet soda linked to increased risk of stroke
February 21, 2019 | KUOW
Shirley Beresford, a UW professor of epidemiology and core faculty in nutritional sciences is interviewed about a study she co-authored linking diet drinks to the risk of stroke or heart disease. Beresford is also a senior associate dean in the UW School of Public Health and an adjunct professor in health services.
Read articleAmaranth and moringa on the sustainability menu
February 21, 2019 | Footprint
Adam Drewnowski, director of UW’s Center for Public Health Nutrition and nutritional sciences partnered with Knorr and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to author The Future 50 Foods report which identifies 50 highly nutritious, affordable foods that also have a lower impact on the planet.
Read articleWWF and Knorr launch the future 50 foods
February 20, 2019 | World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
What foods are highly nutritious, plant-based, and reduce the environmental impact of our food supply? Adam Drewnowski, a director of UW Center for Public Health Nutrition and nutritional sciences helped co-author this joint report published by Knorr and WWF.
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