In the News
October 23, 2019
If the Seattle soda tax doesn’t reduce consumption, should it be cut?
New research conducted by researchers in the UW School of Public Health on Seattle soda tax is topic for discussion on Seattle’s Tom & Curley show on KIRO Radio.
Soda tax briefing to Seattle City Council committee
New research conducted by researchers in the UW School of Public Health on new soda tax is presented to the City of Seattle Finance and Neighborhoods Committee as part of a 3-year study requested by the city.
Customers are Paying Nearly 100% of Seattle’s New Soda Tax, study says
University of Washington researchers studied the effects of the soda tax on the prices of taxed and untaxed drinks at various types of stores. The study found that, on average, 97 percent of the 1.75 cents per fluid ounce tax is paid by consumers, according to the January 2019 report.
Study: 97 percent of Seattle soda tax passed on to consumers
A report from University of Washington estimates that nearly 100 percent of Seattle’s new tax on sweetened beverages has been passed on to consumers through higher in-store prices. Story highlights research by Jessica Jones-Smith, an associate professor in nutritional sciences, health services and epidemiology in the UW School of Public Health.
Farmer’s market incentive program in Seattle area gets more people to eat their fruit, veggies
Emilee Quinn, a research coordinator at the Center for Public Health Nutrition is interviewed about a study she co-authored evaluating the effectiveness of three King County programs designed to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.
Adam Drewnowski joins independent scientific advisory board at Nestle
Dr.Adam Drewnowski, director at the Center for Public Health Nutrition and UW nutritional sciences joins other distinguished thought leaders in nutrition, food science, health related disciplines and engineering to advise on the company’s long-term scientific strategy.
Dietary fat: From foe to friend?
Marian Neuhouser, a core faculty member in UW Nutritional Sciences co-authored this paper in Science magazine which summarizes three contrasting positions on dietary guidelines for fat and carbohydrate consumption. The scientists agree that no specific fat to carbohydrate ratio is best for everyone, and that an overall high-quality diet low in sugar and refined grains will help…
Lopsided I-1634 campaign, with millions from soda industry, blankets airwaves
Initiative 1634, backed to the tune of $13 million by a soda-pop industry that sees a threat to its profits in a growing wave of regulation, would ban local taxes on any food or beverage or ingredient intended for human consumption. Jesse Jones-Smith, associate professor of health services at the UW, is quoted.
Fact-check: I-1634 ‘Yes to Affordable Groceries’
KING 5 political reporter Natalie Brand fact checks an ad supporting I-1634, nicknamed “Yes! To Affordable Groceries.” Jessica Jones-Smith, associate professor of health services and core faculty in nutritional sciences at the UW, is quoted.
Low-Calorie Sweetened Beverages and Cardiometabolic Health
Nutritional Sciences Program core faculty Jennifer Otten contributed to an American Heart Association working group that released the paper Low-Calorie Sweetened Beverages and Cardiometabolic Health: A Science Advisory from the American Heart Association.
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