Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

In the News

March 1, 2023

SNAP cuts lead to warning of “hunger cliff”

Graphic illustration of a box of food

Story highlighting how pandemic food aid is ending nationwide, and this change in the federal law means more than half a million households in Washington will lose a total of about $95 million a month in food assistance even as food and fuel costs remain high or increase. Data cited in the article was recently…

Food insecurity persists in WA, just as emergency benefits expire

People lining up at NW Harvest food bank

Story provides insight into the region’s looming hunger relief problems citing new data from the UW & WSU WAFOOD survey, and the concern that pandemic-era meal assistance benefits run out this week.

December 9, 2022

How to Get Connected And Fight Food Insecurity

Marie Spiker is quoted in this article which highlights ways to help fight food insecurity in the Greater Seattle area in a meaningful way during the holiday season. Spiker says, “It’s not just about ‘not having food’ — people may find themselves skipping meals, reducing the size of their meals or choosing non-preferred foods for…

July 26, 2022

What’s to blame for Americans’ obesity problem? Start with the system.

Rethinking Obesity American don't choose to be fat. Many live wihtin a 'system they do not control.'

“Obesity can vary by 600% depending on a person’s address,” said Dr. Adam Drewnowski who contributes to this USA Today article discussing the multifactorial issues contributing to the American obesity epidemic.

July 8, 2022

Sweetened beverage taxes produce net economic benefits for lower-income communities

Sugary cola drink over ice in a glass

New study from University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition examines the economic equity impacts of sweetened beverage taxes in three cities: Seattle, San Francisco and Philadelphia. Jessica Jones-Smith was co-prinicipal investigator and Lina Pinero Walkinshaw was a co-author on the study.

January 24, 2022

Pandemic disrupts food access for tribal communities

Salal berries

DEOHS Blog highlights how tribal communities in Washington state experienced food insecurity during the pandemic, according to according to a new report by researchers at the Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (NWTEC), a division of the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, the University of Washington and Tacoma Community College.

January 20, 2022

Survey shows disproportionate food insecurities in Washington tribal communities

Hands holding red berriers

Highlights findings from a recent study, WATRIBAL, which shows the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food disparities and food sovereignty among American Indian/Alaska Native communities in Washington State.

Resiliency of food systems during COVID-19

Graphic of microphone and sound waves

A UW study focuses on the adaptations made to keep food systems going during the pandemic. It found a third of farmers formed new working relationships while coping with supply chain failures, worker shortages and more.

January 11, 2022

New Evidence Suggests That Seattle’s Soda Tax Is Working — and It’s Working Well

top of soda cans

A study in Baltimore which uses grocery store sales data bolsters early evidence published by UW Center for Public Health Nutrition, supporting the that the Seattle soda tax is working. Jessica Jones-Smith, lead researcher involved in the UW research is quoted.

January 9, 2022

Studies show how the pandemic pushed the food system to the brink

worker packing food at food bank

UW researchers published a study commissioned by the state Department of Agriculture that focused on the resiliency of the state’s food system during the pandemic, and the adaptations made by the system.

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