Adam Drewnowski
Professor, Epidemiology
Director, Center for Public Health Nutrition
PhD, Psychology, The Rockefeller University
MA, Biochemistry, Oxford University (UK)
Raitt Hall 305D
Box 353410
Seattle, WA 98195-3410
Phone: 206-543-8016
Fax: 206-685-1696
Dr. Adam Drewnowski’s interests are in nutritional epidemiology, socioeconomic determinants of obesity and diet-related chronic disease, relation between diet quality and diet cost, and sustainable nutrition security as it relates to climate change. He has developed new value metrics to study nutrient density, affordability, and carbon footprint of individual foods and total diets. Dr. Drewnowski is the director of the Center for Public Health Nutrition and UW Center for Obesity Research (UWCOR) and was visiting professor at the University of Paris (2012–13).
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