Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
Master of Public Health
October 30, 2014
Development of Healthy Lifestyle Changes Curriculum for Puget Sound Christian Clinic
The mission of the Puget Sound Christian Clinic is to “show Christ, the Great Physician, to the community of Puget Sound, Washington through a church-based health clinic for the medically underserved.” Their clinics in North Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Edmonds, Green Lake, Shoreline, and Snohomish provide healthcare free of charge to uninsured, low-income patients up to…
August 22, 2014
Can School Lunches Deliver Better Nutrition Without Sacrificing Palatability? An Evaluation of Nutritional Adequacy of School Lunches in Urban Washington State
Assessing the Impact of Post-Purchase Barriers on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Secondary Analysis of a Survey of SNAP Recipients at Seattle Farmers Markets
Longitudinal Associations between Home Food Environment and Diet Quality in Children
June 13, 2014
Eating well and paying less: A study of positive deviance
Relationship between socioeconomic status and fruit and vegetable intake among Washington middle school students
March 21, 2014
Variation in WIC Cash-Value Voucher Redemption Rates among American Indian Reservation Communities In Washington State
Socioeconomic trends in household food expenditures: Comparing objective food shopping receipts vs. Self-reports
December 13, 2013
Barriers to WIC Benefits Redemption among Participants in Washington State abstract
Development of the DESK (Disinhibited Eating Score for Koreans) Questionnaire: Examining the relationship between eating cues and food intake in the corporate-working population of Seoul, Korea
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