Master of Public Health
October 30, 2013
How foods affect blood sugar: A guide for Vietnamese patients with diabetes and their providers
It was been estimated that 5.3% of Vietnamese in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes. Per Dr. Carey Jackson, director of Harborview Medical Center’s International Medicine Clinic (IMC), diabetes maintenance has been a longstanding issue with the Vietnamese patients that receive medical care at the IMC. There is a need for culturally appropriate…
Development of Breastfeeding Education Protocol and Educational Content at UWMC
With clear scientific evidence supporting benefits of breastfeeding, UWMC Lactation Services worked to receive designation as a “Baby Friendly Hospital” in 2009 from the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), a global initiative by the UNICEF and WHO, by fulfilling the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, which serve as guidelines to create the optimal environment for…
August 23, 2013
District Market: A pilot marketing study
Assessing green space as a correlate of physical activity among twins
Do screen time policies matter? The association between the presence of screen time policies in child care facilities and child care provider knowledge, provider advocacy and facility practices
June 14, 2013
The association between access to water and sugary-sweetened beverage consumption in 37 schools in King County
April 29, 2013
Drinking Water Access Project
This project was completed in the course NUTR 531: Public Health Nutrition.
March 22, 2013
Assessment of parenting stress as measured by the parenting stress index-short form related to treatment and management of a child with phenylketonuria
December 14, 2012
Is healthy happy? The affective impact of the Renton Menu Labeling Project in an adolescent population
The use of 100% fruit juice as a fruit and vegetable equivalent in snacks served in federally-subsidized child care homes
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