Master of Science
June 15, 2017
Characteristics of Bariatric Patients on Home Parenteral Nutrition
Association of Whole Grain Intake with Diabetes and Subclinical CVD in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis: A Sensitivity Analysis
A dietary pattern that includes whole grains is widely believed to provide numerous health benefits, such as a reduction in chronic disease risk factors like inflammation, insulin resistance, and subclinical markers of cardiovascular disease. A paper in 2007 by Lutsey et al. looked at the relationship between whole grains and CVD biomarkers. The results of…
Player-Reported Fluid Intake and Measured Hydration Status in NCAA Division I Football Players During Fall Training Camp
This study was designed to assess the fluid intake, hydration status, and levels of fatigue and muscle soreness among collegiate athletes. The sample consisted of forty-six National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA)-Division I (D1) male football athletes at the University of Washington who participated in 2016 fall training camp.
April 28, 2017
Understanding Barriers to Accessibility in Washington State Farmers Markets
Presented March 9, 2017. This project was completed in the course NUTR 531: Public Health Nutrition.
March 31, 2017
Self-Reported Perceptions and Practices of University Students Who Adhere to Special Restrictive Diets: A Pilot Study
March 20, 2017
Trends in Prices of Fresh vs. Ultra-Processed Foods: Analyses of Seattle-King Country Prices from 2004-16
December 16, 2016
Diet and Adipose Tissue Inflammation
Eating Perceptions of University Students Who Are Following a Special Restrictive Diet: The Food and Health Survey
October 31, 2016
Intestinal Dysmotility Resulting in Ileorectal Anastomosis: A Nutrition Case Study
A Case Study of Non-Pharmacologically Treated Type II Diabetes
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