Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Master of Science

June 7, 2019

Exploring the State of U.S. Soil Health Legislation: A Qualitative Policy Analysis

Body Mass Index and Breast Cancer Risk Among Pre- and Postmenopausal BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers

December 10, 2018

Jenny Goodyear

Jenny Goodyear

Why go back to school to study nutrition? I studied nutrition as an undergrad at Boston University. Tuition wasn’t cheap, so I joined the ROTC to pay for school. When I graduated, I went into the Navy and spent six and a half years on active duty. I knew that I wanted to go back…

November 7, 2018

Is There a Role for Myeloid Cell-derived Versican in Diabetes-accelerated Atherosclerosis

Use of a Nutrient Rich Foods Index to Study the Effect of Seattle’s Minimum Wage Ordinance on Supermarket Food Prices by Nutrient Quality

Pre-operative Weight Loss Requirements: are they Beneficial?

This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.

Parent Perceptions on a Walking School Bus Program among Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Study

Development of a Blenderized Tube Feeding Recipe for Inpatient Use at Seattle Children’s Hospital

This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.

Diet Quality and Circulating Sphingolipids: The Strong Heart Family Study

Exploring and Expanding Resources for the Phenylketonuria (PKU) Population Through Community Survey and Recipe Testing with

This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.

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