Nutrition Minor
September 10, 2019
Kain Ip

What interests you most about nutrition? I’m always fascinated by what I learn in my nutrition classes. It’s helped me to achieve a positive mindset, and I know that I can use the knowledge I’m gaining to help others. One of the first classes I took at the UW was Nutrition 200: Nutrition for Today. I was…
September 5, 2019
Nikki Zielinski

Why did you choose the UW? Because of all the opportunities the school and the city have to offer. I’m a cross-country and track athlete, and both sports teams here are highly regarded and very competitive. I came on a visit and fell in love with Seattle, amazed at the balance of metropolitan amenities and…
July 1, 2019
Seattle Public Opinion: Syringe Services Programs and Safe Injection Facilities
This qualitative research study assessed the current state of public opinion in Seattle regarding syringe services programs (SSPs) and the potential implementation of a supervised injection facility (SIF).
December 1, 2018
Tools to Decrease Food Insecurity
This internship at Harborview Medical Center resulted in food resource brochures that listed food banks, farmers markets, and school programs; included a map; and were color-coded to make each resource easier to identify. Two brochures were created—one for North Seattle and one for South Seattle—and were made available to all patients.
#MeToo: How does hashtag activism around #MeToo spur cultural and institutional changes?
This two-part study looked at how the use of the hashtag #MeToo created a cultural change as people began to publicly acknowledge sexual harassment and assault as issues and sought to understand how #MeToo led to substantial and concrete changes, implementations, progress, and/or actions.
December 1, 2017
A Review of Smartphone Diet-Tracking Applications: Usability, Functionality, and Coherence with Behavior Change Theory
This study reviewed the most popular iOS and Android diet-tracking apps to ascertain usability, characterize functionality, and the degree to which app features align with current behavioral constructs.
October 10, 2017
Summer Godfrey

Why did you decide to go back to school to get your bachelors? I went to a couple of different colleges when I was younger and I failed a lot. I didn’t have a real goal or an educational role model. Now that I have kids of my own – two daughters who are 3…