Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

RDN Training

September 3, 2021

Developing a Nutrition Education Curriculum for a Diverse Population of Older Adults at Bellwether Housing

Examination of Early Learning Mealtime Best Practices: Opportunities and Challenges for Specialized Responsive Feeding Practices

August 19, 2021

Eating Disorders Among LGBTQ Individuals & Case Report

Disorders of Fluid Balance in a Patient with a Resected Pituitary Tumor

August 18, 2021

Jessa Engelken

Jessa Engelken

What influenced you to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences? I was exposed to nutritional sciences when I studied Health and Human Physiology at the University of Iowa. I had an advisor who was a Registered Dietitian. I also worked as a substitute teacher and really enjoyed working with children and families. I thought that…

August 10, 2021

Kazue Yoshida

Kazue Yoshida

What influenced you to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences? I chose a degree in nutritional sciences to become a dietitian, and to be able alleviate problems in an individual’s life by applying my strengths in science and my passion for food. During my high school years, I realized my passion for life science through…

Laying the Groundwork for Glycemic Index Education for Type 2 Diabetic and Insulin Resistant Patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Inpatient Nutrition Management Of Faltering Growth For A Medically Complex Child

The Value of Outpatient Dietitian Contact Time for Adolescents With Restrictive Eating Disorders

Supporting Early Learning Provider Wellness and Healthy Relationship with Food

The Healthy Eating and Active Living team (HEAL) at the Washington State Department of Health sought to determine effective ways to support early learning provider wellness and relationships with food. Providers’ perception of their weight status, health, and relationship with food play a role in how they feed and talk with children about eating. The…

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