Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

RDN Training

August 10, 2021

Supporting Early Learning Provider Wellness and Healthy Relationship with Food

The Healthy Eating and Active Living team (HEAL) at the Washington State Department of Health sought to determine effective ways to support early learning provider wellness and relationships with food. Providers’ perception of their weight status, health, and relationship with food play a role in how they feed and talk with children about eating. The…

July 28, 2021

Diana Aguilera

Diana Aguilera

What influenced you to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences? I developed a passion for dietetics during my undergraduate studies. The more I advanced in the field, the more I appreciated the importance of nutrition for overall health and especially in specific disease conditions. I learned that nutrition wasn’t just about what society teaches us….

June 16, 2021

Recipe Resources for a Virtual Camp Leo

Investigating Demographic Characteristics Associated with Reporting Changes in Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption

Developing a Family Meal Guide for Bellwether Housing

Creating Culturally Appropriate Nutrition Resources for Vietnamese and Somalian Residents of Bellwether Housing

Virtual Health Assessment for Athletes With Intellectual Disabilities

Article Development for The Whole U Employee Wellness Program at University of Washington

June 15, 2021

The School Breakfast Participation Project

Farm to Table Needs Assessment

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