RDN Training
November 7, 2018
Diet Quality and Circulating Sphingolipids: The Strong Heart Family Study
Exploring and Expanding Resources for the Phenylketonuria (PKU) Population Through Community Survey and Recipe Testing with HowMuchPhe.org
This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.
October 31, 2018
Developing a Guideline for the Use of Branched-Chain Amino Acids to Treat Hepatic Encephalopathy at UW Medical Center
An Ileus for the Ages
Updating Inpatient Blenderized Tube Feeding Policy at Seattle Children’s Hospital
Clinical Case Presentation of Persistent Inflammatory, Immunosuppressed, Catabolic Syndrome (PICS)
Gut Intuition: A Curriculum Designed to Help Adolescents Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food Through Intuitive Eating
October 28, 2018
Body Positive Week at Seattle Pacific University
There is a very high prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors among college students. Eating disorder behaviors have increased from 24.4% of college women in 1995 to 32.6% in 2008. There is also high rates of dieting and body dissatisfaction among college students, both of which are risk factors for eating disorder development….
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Incentive Structures and Purchasing Patterns at Farmers Markets (FM)
Fruits and vegetables (FV) are part of a healthy diet, yet cost is a barrier for people with limited income. In Washington State, 12% of households face food insecurity, the limited availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, which negatively impacts their health and well-being. About 14% of Washingtonians cannot afford enough food, consequently 15%…
Applying a RE-AIM Framework to Curriculum Fidelity to Evaluate SNAP-Ed Direct Education in Washington State
To evaluate direct education through a curriculum fidelity monitoring approach by applying the public health systems framework of: reach effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance (RE-AIM). It is hypothesized that high curriculum fidelity will generate a significant increase in physical activity and nutrition knowledge among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) participants compared to low curriculum…
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