Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
RDN Training
July 4, 2018
Development of a food safety plan for GAP certification at the UW Farm
July 3, 2018
Resource Development for the CDC Sodium Reduction in Communities Program Grant
July 2, 2018
Using Traditional Ground-Truthing to Assess the Food Environment in Three Seattle Neighborhoods
July 1, 2018
Needs Assessment & Education Roll-out at 3 Snohomish Food Banks
June 15, 2018
Validating Smartphone- and Computer-based technologies with GPS for Activity Tracking
The purpose of this study was to validate a newly developed computer-assisted instrument, Karma, against a traditionally used GPS instrument and a smartphone-based application, MapMyRun (MMR), to study activity space.
June 7, 2018
Analysis of Child Undernutrition Intervention Priorities Among Nutrition Stakeholders from Multiple Low and Middle-Income Countries
May 12, 2018
“Diabeducation” at Camp Leo: Nutrition Education for Elementary-aged children with Type 1 Diabetes
April 30, 2018
FINI Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program: A Comparison of Clinical Implementation Strategies, Perceived Patient Experiences, and Voucher Redemption Rates
Prepared by University of Washington students in NUTR 531 during winter quarter 2018. Evaluates the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription program by analyzing prescription issuance and voucher issuance and redemption data covering the time period January 2017 through September 2017. This project was completed in NUTR 531: Public Health Nutrition Project.
October 31, 2017
Is Routinely Checking Gastric Residual Volume an outdated practice in the ICU Setting?
Assessment & Treatment of Iron Deficiency without Anemia Among Female Collegiate Athletes
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