Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

RDN Training

August 2, 2024

Exploring the Future of Sustainable Foods through Nova Classification of Upcycled Certified Products

This thesis project aims to identify the ways in which products that have received Upcycled Food certification contribute nutritionally to the greater American food supply, and whether these products are consistent with dietary recommendations and U.N. Sustainable Development Goals surrounding reductions in food waste and food loss. To the best of our knowledge, Upcycled Certified…

August 1, 2024

Pediatric Medical Nutrition Therapy for Comorbid Type 1 Diabetes and Eating Disorders

This project explored the overlap of type 1 diabetes and eating disorders, a relatively new area of research, with an emphasis on pediatric populations. The project consisted of a literature review, a case study, a discussion of the complexity involved with managing these conditions simultaneously, and recommendations for medical nutrition therapy (MNT) in the absence…

July 31, 2024

Chrononutrition and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes: A Case Study

A case study and report on a patient with type 2 diabetes and multiple comorbidities. The patient was not meeting his blood glucose goals and saw the RD/CDCES to discuss dietary methods to improve his glucose. With a few dietary recommendations and the continued use of a continuous glucose monitor, the patient saw improved glycemic…

June 25, 2024

Creation of Culturally Tailored and Bilingual Diabetes Nutrition Calendars for EthnoMed

This public health practicum project focused on the intersection of nutrition education and public health for immigrant and refugee communities in the greater Seattle area. Calendars with culturally sensitive and inclusive content were created in collaboration with the team of caseworkers/cultural mediators (CCMs) at EthnoMed, whose mission is to promote cross-cultural practice by offering culturally-tailored…

The Pre-Survey Data Analysis of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Field to Family Produce Incentive Program in Ventura County, California

Ventura County (VC), California, is a demographically diverse community consisting of Hispanic/Latinx (44.66%), Asian (7.62%), Black/African American (2.07%), and American Indian/Alaskan Native (1.05%) residents. Despite agriculture being the principal economic driver for VC, limited access to sustainable and affordable sources of fresh fruits and vegetables remains a persistent barrier for low-income families to provide their…

Promoting Accessibility in WA SNAP-Ed Contract Funding for Tribal Organizations

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) is a federally funded grant program that provides nutrition education and promotes health for eligible individuals through supporting healthy food choices and physical activity in line with Dietary Guidelines for Americans and making policy, systems, and environmental changes. Washington state’s SNAP-Ed goals are developed based on a statewide needs…

Designing and Delivering Weight-Inclusive Care Training for Medical Residents at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Weight bias refers to the negative attitudes, stereotypes, and discrimination from being at a higher body weight. Experiencing weight bias is harmful to physical and psychosocial health, especially among vulnerable pediatric populations. Medical providers are common perpetrators of weight bias, frequently recommending weight loss based on the body mass index (BMI), which is supported by…

Mapping Commissary Kitchen Spaces in King County

In partnership with Public Health – Seattle & King County, this project sought to promote equity in the local food system through improving access to commissary kitchens for food businesses, particularly new or small businesses owned by under-reached racial and ethnic groups. This was accomplished by creating an easy-to-use virtual map of commissary kitchen spaces in…

King County Local Food Initiative 101: Improving Local Food Access in King County

This practicum engaged with local food systems research, specifically considering how the 2024 refresh of King County’s Local Food Initiative (LFI) is related to issues of racism, food security, food access, social determinants of health, and culturally appropriate foods. Relying on literature, documentation, and data review, the student – with support from Seattle-King County Public…

Provider-Based Needs Assessment for Lactation Support in Washington State

Washington state’s rate of breastfeeding exclusivity through six months consistently remains above the national average, but falls below the Healthy People 2030 objective of 42.4%, and additional barriers to lactation support exist for low-income nursing parents and families belonging to marginalized identities. In partnership with the Washington State Lactation Collaborative (WLC), this project aimed to…

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