RDN Training
June 7, 2024
The Association Between Eating Competence and Daily Hassles and Uplifts of Eating Location in Undergraduate University Students
The study sought to investigate the association between the daily hassles and uplifts related to eating location and eating competence (EC), and whether socio-demographics impact this association. Using the Daily Hassles and Uplifts Scale, the Satter Eating Competence Inventory (ecSI 2.0tm), and multivariate regression, associations between the hassles and uplifts of some of three eating…
Determinants of Indigenous Diet Quality and Their Association With Inflammation and Biological Age in the NHLBI Strong Heart Family Study
This thesis analyzed dietary and health marker data from Indigenous tribes in the NHLBI Strong Heart Family Study to assess for associations between diet quality, inflammation, and biological age. The thesis also reviewed the historical and social determinants of Indigenous diet quality and identified the concept of Indigenous Food Sovereignty as a direction for future…
Nutrient Drug Interaction Probability Scale (NDIPS): A Creation and Validation Process
This thesis project involved the creation of a screening tool to assess the probability of drug-nutrient interactions. Additionally, a set of internal and external trials were set in place to validate the tool’s value and accuracy with the collaboration of practicing clinicians. The central aim of the project was to develop a personalized healthcare model…
Accessibility to WIC-Authorized Ethnic Food Stores in Washington State: Implications for Serving the Needs of Immigrant WIC-Eligible Populations
The Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is one of the federal nutrition assistance programs that safeguards food security among immigrant and refugee families. At least 20% of WIC participants in Washington state are of immigrant and refugee backgrounds, but the accessibility to culturally preferred foods through WIC-authorized stores is unknown. Utilizing…
Drivers Influencing Animal Wellbeing and Environmental Stewardship Decision-Making Among U.S. Animal Producers: A Qualitative Analysis
Using Q-methodology and qualitative methods, this study examined the drivers and tradeoffs of priorities regarding animal wellbeing and environmental stewardship among 35 U.S. beef, pork, and broiler producers. The study found that each producer operated under a unique context of influences, capturing the subjective experiences of beef, pork, and broiler producers as they balance complex…
June 5, 2024
Recommendations for Seattle Fresh Bucks: Produce Prescription Program Best Practices and Benefit Level Adjustments
Seattle Fresh Bucks is a produce assistance program serving over 12,000 households in the City of Seattle by providing them with a monthly $40 voucher to purchase fruits and vegetables at 30 local farmers markets, farm stands, independent grocers, and supermarkets. Operated by the City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment and informed by…
Nutrition Policy and Food Service Guidelines Recommended for Adoption by Teen Feed
As a growing body of evidence demonstrates, food transcends beyond biological needs and interplays with behavioral, social, and mental concepts of whole-person health. Community-based organizations serving minoritized populations, like Seattle’s Teen Feed, are uniquely positioned to tailor nutritional programming to the needs of their client populations, informing nutrition practices and behaviors to support health across…
December 19, 2023
What is North Korean Food?
This project involved the creation of an infographic featuring North Korean foods that are largely unknown to the rest of the world in an effort to diversify the type of information available on North Korean culture, foods, and tradition. Due to a lack of available images and information online, a freelance artist was hired to…
How to Increase Plant-Based Meal Consumption at UW: A Fieldwork Experience
Created a short lecture on how to increase student consumption of plant-based offerings at UW in order to help UW meet their Sustainability Action Plan goals. The lecture centers choice architecture-informed techniques to craft a food setting that nudges folks to choose climate friendly, plant-based food. It also looks at how other universities are making…
WSDA 2022-2023 Farm to School Purchasing Grants’ Post-Grant Survey and Purchasing Data Analysis
Analyzed 2022-2023 Farm to School Purchasing Grants’ post-grant survey and purchasing data to produce key impact metrics. These key metrics will be used to report the impact of the 2022-2023 Farm to School Grants to policy makers, stakeholders, and public as an impact infographic that will be released at WSDA website. Community Partner: WA State…
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