Research & Practice

King County Local Food Initiative 101: Improving Local Food Access in King County

This practicum engaged with local food systems research, specifically considering how the 2024 refresh of King County’s Local Food Initiative (LFI) is related to issues of racism, food security, food access, social determinants of health, and culturally appropriate foods. Relying on literature, documentation, and data review, the student – with support from Seattle-King County Public Health staff – created issue papers on the above topics. Subject matter expert consultations were also employed to provide an accurate description of the current states of the issues, relevant data, research, or policy efforts underway, food system impacts, and potential ways to address the issues. Deliverables were five issue papers and one summary report that were published on the LFI website and presented to the LFI advisory members. The documents will be made available to council members to inform decision making on program development, policy, grant design, funding, etc. The student also wrote a complimentary report documenting methods, summarizing research, and providing guidance to King County and King Conservation District employees, the King County Food Systems Advisory Council, and other policymakers on the development of the 2024 Local Food Initiative.

Community Partner: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Healthy Eating Active Living Program

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum

Author(s): Robyn Burnside

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2024
