Food Security/Access
July 1, 2024
Nutrition Education Project Development and Evaluation in Rural Vietnam
“The goal of the HealthBridge Foundation of Canada is to “improve health and reduce health inequities through research, policy, and action.” The organization does this throughout the world through four focus areas: tobacco control and non-communicable disease prevention; improving the livability of cities; sexual, reproductive, maternal and child health and rights (SRHR); and health, nutrition,…
June 25, 2024
Secondary Growth Analysis and Dissemination of Findings from the Mama Aweza Trial
The Global Center for integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh) is a leading research center dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and children globally. As part of this work, the group’s Mama Aweza (“mother can” in Swahili) research team was working to promptly identify malnourished children in the vulnerable…
Creation of Culturally Tailored and Bilingual Diabetes Nutrition Calendars for EthnoMed
This public health practicum project focused on the intersection of nutrition education and public health for immigrant and refugee communities in the greater Seattle area. Calendars with culturally sensitive and inclusive content were created in collaboration with the team of caseworkers/cultural mediators (CCMs) at EthnoMed, whose mission is to promote cross-cultural practice by offering culturally-tailored…
The Pre-Survey Data Analysis of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Field to Family Produce Incentive Program in Ventura County, California
Ventura County (VC), California, is a demographically diverse community consisting of Hispanic/Latinx (44.66%), Asian (7.62%), Black/African American (2.07%), and American Indian/Alaskan Native (1.05%) residents. Despite agriculture being the principal economic driver for VC, limited access to sustainable and affordable sources of fresh fruits and vegetables remains a persistent barrier for low-income families to provide their…
Promoting Accessibility in WA SNAP-Ed Contract Funding for Tribal Organizations
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) is a federally funded grant program that provides nutrition education and promotes health for eligible individuals through supporting healthy food choices and physical activity in line with Dietary Guidelines for Americans and making policy, systems, and environmental changes. Washington state’s SNAP-Ed goals are developed based on a statewide needs…
Mapping Commissary Kitchen Spaces in King County
In partnership with Public Health – Seattle & King County, this project sought to promote equity in the local food system through improving access to commissary kitchens for food businesses, particularly new or small businesses owned by under-reached racial and ethnic groups. This was accomplished by creating an easy-to-use virtual map of commissary kitchen spaces in…
King County Local Food Initiative 101: Improving Local Food Access in King County
This practicum engaged with local food systems research, specifically considering how the 2024 refresh of King County’s Local Food Initiative (LFI) is related to issues of racism, food security, food access, social determinants of health, and culturally appropriate foods. Relying on literature, documentation, and data review, the student – with support from Seattle-King County Public…
June 7, 2024
Accessibility to WIC-Authorized Ethnic Food Stores in Washington State: Implications for Serving the Needs of Immigrant WIC-Eligible Populations
The Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is one of the federal nutrition assistance programs that safeguards food security among immigrant and refugee families. At least 20% of WIC participants in Washington state are of immigrant and refugee backgrounds, but the accessibility to culturally preferred foods through WIC-authorized stores is unknown. Utilizing…
June 5, 2024
Recommendations for Seattle Fresh Bucks: Produce Prescription Program Best Practices and Benefit Level Adjustments
Seattle Fresh Bucks is a produce assistance program serving over 12,000 households in the City of Seattle by providing them with a monthly $40 voucher to purchase fruits and vegetables at 30 local farmers markets, farm stands, independent grocers, and supermarkets. Operated by the City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment and informed by…
Nutrition Policy and Food Service Guidelines Recommended for Adoption by Teen Feed
As a growing body of evidence demonstrates, food transcends beyond biological needs and interplays with behavioral, social, and mental concepts of whole-person health. Community-based organizations serving minoritized populations, like Seattle’s Teen Feed, are uniquely positioned to tailor nutritional programming to the needs of their client populations, informing nutrition practices and behaviors to support health across…
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