Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Nutrition Policy

October 30, 2015

Kids’ Meals: Restaurant Assessment in King County

On a typical day, 33% of children ages 2-11 ate at fast-food and 12% at full-service restaurants. For ages 2-6, 12% of their total energy intake was from restaurants; for ages 7-12, 15%. Eating at restaurants is associated with increased sugar-sweetened beverages, decreased milk, and increased total fat, saturated fat, and sugar. Less than 10%…

Restaurant Kids’ Meals: Feasibility Study & Policy Options

Children eat almost a fifth of their meals away from home, and the nutritional quality of those meals is important; diet quality can impact cognitive development, weight maintenance, and risk of chronic disease later in life. Less than 10% of kids’ meals meet criteria of various nutrition standards. On a typical day, one third of…

October 30, 2014

Process-Driven Policy Mapping: Farm to Fork in King County

A vibrant local food system creates and supports a healthy food supply, including fresh produce, for people in King County. The Local Farms and Food Roundtable was convened by the City of Seattle, Public Health Seattle & King County, and Pike Place Market in November 2013, and charged with 1) exploring ways to strengthen three…

Recommendations of Effective Strategies for Reducing Consumption and Availability of Sugary Drinks in Seattle/King County

Sugary drinks are the largest contributor of calories and added sugars to the US diet. In King County, approximately 54% of adults and one in five youth are overweight or obese. Among high school students, daily consumption of at least one soda is highest among American Indian/Alaskan Native youth (40%), Hispanic/Latino youth (39%), Native Hawaiian/Pacific…

October 31, 2011

Nutritional Management of a Morbidly Obese Compulsive Overeater

H1N1 Gone Awry: A Case Study

October 30, 2011

Hematological Testing Rates at Public Health Seattle

This project at Public Health Seattle-King County WIC Clinics included a review of current policies for screening children for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA). The hematological testing policies reviewed included those from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Association of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine, the Federal WIC program, the…

November 7, 2009

Evaluating King County School Nutrition Wellness Policies

This project was completed in the course NUTR 531: Public Health Nutrition.

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