Washington State Survey of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care

About the Survey
The purpose of the survey was to learn more about nutrition and physical activity for children ages 2-5 in licensed child care programs.
Child care providers in all parts of Washington completed the survey and provided important information about nutrition and physical activity for young children in our state.
The University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition conducted the survey in the fall of 2013 with support from the YMCA, Child Care Aware of Washington, the Department of Health, the Department of Early Learning, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, local health departments, and others.
Survey Tools
Two surveys were developed — one for center directors and one for family home child care owners/providers. The surveys were available in two formats, an online survey and a paper survey. All survey tools and related materials were offered in both English and Spanish.
- Summary Report: 2013 WA Survey of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care
- Full Report: 2013 WA Survey of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care
- Center Directors Survey, paper format - English
- Center Directors Survey, paper format - Spanish
- Family Home Child Care Providers Survey, paper format - English
- Family Home Child Care Providers Survey, paper format - Spanish
Publication Date: November 20, 2013
Author(s): Center for Public Health Nutrition
Resource Type(s): Reports, Trainings
Research Area(s): Early Care & Education