December 14, 2021
Washington state food assessment report: How the pandemic has affected food access

New UW study commissioned by the Washington State Department of Agriculture shows the pandemic’s strain on Washington’s food access and food production systems. This DEOHS blog post highlights the team’s findings.
December 7, 2021
Survey of Washington state tribal communities illustrates how pandemic has exacerbated food disparities

Project finds barriers to traditional foods access and major disparities in food insecurity among Washington state tribal communities during the COVID-19 pandemic A recent survey of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals sheds further light on the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among Washington State tribal communities. The project, the WA Tribal Food Survey (WATRIBAL),…
December 2, 2021
How a key nutritional program adapted to the pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic created economic hardship and food insecurity for many families, a key governmental program for nutritional support pivoted to offer remote services and more flexible food options. As a result, participation and satisfaction with the program grew, according to findings from a new study by University of Washington researchers and the program,…
October 28, 2021
New website highlights food systems experts and educational opportunities across UW

A new Food Systems at UW website has been launched to provide a central resource hub of people, organizations, and educational opportunities related to food systems at UW. The website was initiated by the UW Food Systems Education and Research Network, and this network aims to: Bring together UW experts from multiple disciplines to address…
July 15, 2021
WAFOOD food security survey now open to WA residents

Revised 10/9/24: This post was revised to remove links to an earlier survey that is no longer active. Please visit the WAFOOD project page to find the latest links to current surveys and information. A third wave of the WAFOOD Survey is now active, and asks all Washington State residents over the age of 18…
June 27, 2021
For many King County families, food aid ‘not nearly enough’ as need spikes in pandemic

Food bank staff and public health officials predict it will take households several years to recover from food insecurity made worse by the economic instability of the pandemic. Ongoing research led by the UW Center for Public Health Nutrition in partnership with Washington State University and Tacoma Community College is highlighted.
May 11, 2021
Reliance on food assistance programs on the rise in Washington State

Food insecurity remains high and disparities persist among Washington State households, while reliance on food assistance programs across the state have risen over the past six months, according to new data published by the University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition. The latest report from the WAFOOD research team compares data from two surveys,…
March 31, 2021
How farms and ranches in Washington have been impacted by COVID-19

Nearly 60% of farms and ranches in Washington State have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 in 2020, and expect to make changes to adapt their businesses in 2021, according to a new report published by the University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition in collaboration with Washington State University and the Washington State Department…
March 23, 2021
You waste more than $1,000 of food a year. Chew on that

Marie Spiker speaks with the Los Angeles Times about global food waste and new data published in the Food Waste Index for 2021 by the UN Environment Programme which assesses that the world wastes 1 billion tons of food each year.
February 17, 2021
How the UW food pantry has adapted to rising food insecurity in the state

The Daily highlights how the UW Food Pantry is adapting to address food insecurity, and what UW Nutritional Sciences Program researchers involved in the WAFOOD survey have assessed thus far about state-wide food insecurity trends during the pandemic.
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