August 2, 2019
Jennifer Otten joins national food waste committee
Jennifer Otten, an associate professor in environmental and occupational health sciences and a core faculty member in the Nutritional Sciences Program in the UW School of Public Health has joined a new committee formed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), which will conduct a systematic review of consumer food waste and…
July 24, 2019
Jeani Hunt-Gibbon named Outstanding Student in Women’s Health
Jeani Hunt-Gibbon, a graduate student in the Nutritional Sciences Program has been named Outstanding Student in Women’s Health for 2019 by Women’s Health, a Dietetic Practice Group (WH DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The recognition honors Hunt-Gibbon’s work in producing a lecture on nutrition and fertility for her MS Capstone project. She…
July 9, 2019
Ivory Loh receives Husky Seed Fund for cookbook project

Ivory Loh, a graduate student in the Nutritional Sciences Program has been awarded the 2019 Husky Seed Fund to produce a Husky Cookbook, a collection of recipes gathered from UW students, staff and faculty. The project aims to unite members across the broader UW community through food and their stories told through food. Loh’s hope…
July 3, 2019
Nutrition expert: Food labeling needs harmonised and nutrient-rich profiling
Adam Drewnowski, a professor of epidemiology, director of center for public health nutrition, and director of nutritional sciences at University of Washington suggests that policymakers should adopt harmonized nutrient-rich profiling on food labeling in order to address this.
May 26, 2019
13 Simple Changes That Lead to Huge Weight Loss

Adam Drewnowski and Judy Simon are quoted in this article, offering strategies for weight loss that help you eat healthier and stay on track. Drewnowski is director of the University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition and director of the UW Nutritional Sciences Program. Simon is a registered dietitian with UW Medical Center and…
May 16, 2019
Adam Drewnowski

Dr. Adam Drewnowski’s interests are in nutritional epidemiology, socioeconomic determinants of obesity and diet-related chronic disease, relation between diet quality and diet cost, and sustainable nutrition security as it relates to climate change. He has developed new value metrics to study nutrient density, affordability, and carbon footprint of individual foods and total diets. Dr. Drewnowski…
Jessica Jones-Smith

Dr. Jessica Jones-Smith investigates socioeconomic causes and correlates of obesity risk in both high- and low/middle-income countries. Past and current research pertains to income- and ethnicity-based health disparities in obesity; early life risk factors for obesity; and the nutrition transition and increasing obesity prevalence in low- and middle-income countries.
Jennifer Otten

April 30, 2019
Why is our bread so white? Dr. Stephen Jones to speak on wheat breeding May 29

Attend a special lecture May 29 featuring Dr. Stephen S. Jones, a plant geneticist and professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University. Dr. Jones will present: “Why is our bread so white? Wheat breeding, white flour and community”. This special lecture will be presented to students in NUTR 241,…
February 28, 2019
How available is healthy food in your neighborhood? A new study points to differences
Research by Jesse Jones-Smith, an associate professor in nutritional sciences, epidemiology and health services is highlighted in this feature about food insecurity and food access based on where you live in Seattle, King County.
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