Food Systems Major
June 21, 2022
Washington Cascadia Region Agricultural Resiliency Plan (Team 1)
Viva Farms, a Seattle-based non-profit incubator/training farm has already begun to see some of these negative impacts, including record heat waves and wildfire smoke. Micah Anderson, the Farm and Education Manager at Viva, asked our group to develop a resilience plan which will help Viva to prepare for extreme weather events that will continue to…
Developing an Equity Framework for the Viva Farms Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture (Team 2)
We developed a racial justice and equity educational plan to be implemented in tandem with the 9 month Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture at Viva Farms in Woodinville, WA. Equip farmers with the information to run sustainable and equitable small farms in the PNW. Community Partner: Viva Farms – Micah Anderson, Farm Educator and Manager
Viva Farms Racial Justice and Equity Engagement Plan (Team 1)
A seven-module compilation of resources and practical steps to facilitate active and ongoing learning for the staff of Viva Farms as they identify their organizational commitment to racial justice and equity. Groundwork for revision to an annual 9-month Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture. Community Partner: Viva Farms – Micah Anderson, Farm Educator and Manager
Nourish and Inspire: Creating Communications to Connect Local BIPOC Farms, Culturally Relevant Cooking Classes, and Community Food Security (Team 2)
Plant Based Food Share, a local Seattle non-profit, was looking for ways in which they could improve their current communication methods and strategies to spread awareness about the organization and all that they offer – specifically to donors, recipients, and volunteers. To combat these issues, our group worked closely with our community partner Chef Ariel…
Nourish and Inspire: Creating Communications to Connect Local BIPOC Farms, Culturally Relevant Cooking Classes, and Community Food Security (Team 1)
Developed marketing materials to increase community participation in The Plant Based Food Share and assisted the organization in its vision to reduce food insecurity by providing resources for low-income, culturally diverse communities in King County. Our goal was to educate the communities the PBFS serves on nutrient-dense, culturally relevant foods while helping Chef Ariel gain…
Yes Farm: Final Project (Team 2)
Engaged in community outreach by creating a survey to understand the demographic of those who interact with the YES FARM and what types of cultural plants they would want more accessible to them. Through our survey results we curated a plant list and map for the YES FARM to utilize and contribute to spatial justice….
Invitation to YES Farm: Utilizing Plants to Create Inviting Spaces That Promote & Celebrate Diversity (Team 1)
Researched and developed a plant map for Yes farm to navigate their work in redesigning Yes farm entrances. This project is geared towards incorporating plants in order to create an inviting space for community members while increasing the attractiveness of the farm. Community Partner: Black Farmers Collective – Shabazz Abdulkadir (Project Manager) & Ray Williams…
Beacon Food Forest User Assessment: Discovering methods on building an informed survey
Conduct online research to help community partners learn about what to include in and how to write proper survey questions, and how to distribute and test the survey for usability Community Partner: Beacon Food Forest – Alix Vasseur-Landriault
Beacon Food Forest User Assessment: Final Project
Generated an informed user assessment survey regarding Beacon Food Forest to understand who is using Beacon, what users gain from the garden, and what the garden is still lacking. The survey outcome will serve as a case study in a larger project examining how community-supported forest gardening might serve as medicine for the Triple Anthropocene…
Addressing Food Insecurity through Community-led Partners Proposal (Team 2)
Aimed to address Washington’s food insecurity issue through developing a community-based food assistance project. Created a food distribution plan for Farmstand Local Food’s We Feed WA proposal through utilizing research, data, field trip experiences, and communication with community partners Community Partner: Farmstand Local Foods/Pacific Coast Harvest – Elise Levesque, Wholesale Market Manager and Food Access…
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