Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Master of Science

January 5, 2022

United Way of King County DoorDash Delivery Program: Analysis and Recommendations

In this project, students worked with the United Way of King County (UWKC) to evaluate and assess its UWKC-DoorDash Program, a food delivery service which delivers healthy meals to families and helps relieve the rising food insecurity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The UWKC-DoorDash Program also helps address some of the long-standing challenges of the…

November 11, 2021

A Qualitative Investigation of Resilience Among Small Farms in Western Washington: Experiences During the First Growing Season of COVID-19

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on directly marketing small farms in western Washington State, with a focus on farmers’ experiences with resilience.

November 9, 2021

Weight Bias in Clinical Care: Assessment of an Interprofessional Session for Health Sciences Students

This study assesses the impact of an educational session on weight stigma among health profession students. The results of a pre- and post-session survey suggest a change in the level of empathy and awareness as it relates to body weight and health, and an understanding that body weight is not an appropriate indicator of health.

November 2, 2021

Kaitlin Sandberg

Kaitlin Sandberg

What influenced you to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences? I decided to pursue a Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences after realizing that I wanted a career change. Before pursuing my master’s, I spent nearly a decade working for various food and beverage brands. My roles involved researching, designing, and marketing new products and…

September 3, 2021

Nutritional Concerns in Substance Use Disorders

August 19, 2021

Eating Disorders Among LGBTQ Individuals & Case Report

Disorders of Fluid Balance in a Patient with a Resected Pituitary Tumor

August 10, 2021

Kazue Yoshida

Kazue Yoshida

What influenced you to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences? I chose a degree in nutritional sciences to become a dietitian, and to be able alleviate problems in an individual’s life by applying my strengths in science and my passion for food. During my high school years, I realized my passion for life science through…

Laying the Groundwork for Glycemic Index Education for Type 2 Diabetic and Insulin Resistant Patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Inpatient Nutrition Management Of Faltering Growth For A Medically Complex Child

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